Harmonie aus Kontrasten
Das Londoner Designerduo Doshi Levien war der diesjährige Ehrengast der Stockholm Furniture Fair. Wir haben Nipa Doshi und Jonathan Levien in ihrem selbstentworfenen Ausstellungspavillon auf der Messe getroffen.
Uchiwa is a capacious armchair taking its soft and open shape from the traditional Japanese hand fan. Generous and inviting, Uchiwa's hard plastic shell has surprisingly soft down padding inside. New and familiar at once, the armchair comes in two upholstered versions: in soft down for a more domestic environment and in moulded foam for a more demanding contract context. The dramatic seat shell can be exposed or upholstered, and the legs come in natural or stained oak. The chair has an accompanying foot stool as a natural extension of its comfort.