
SAILING Wannenarmatur

SAILING Wannenarmatur

A light, poetic and contemporary design inspired by the boat cleats.

"Lake Orta is known for its romantic landscapes and powerful serenity. We wanted to emulate the essence of the lake as a peaceful refuge, while at the same time paying homage to Fantinis creative audacity.""The result of our inspiration is the poetic and sensual version of a functional nautical object, the sail cleat, an element which is necessary to the navigation, transformed into a refined decorative detail for the bathroom."

george yabu / glenn pushelberg

Fantini SAILING Sketches Yabu Pushelberg 2021 3Fantini SAILING 2021 6
Fantini SAILING Sketches Yabu Pushelberg 2021 2Fantini SAILING Sketches Yabu Pushelberg 2021 1


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