
Paolo de Lucchi

Produkte von Paolo de Lucchi

Paolo De Lucchi was born in 1962 in Padova, where he lives and works at the moment.
He graduated with degree in Architecture in 1989 at the Politecnico of Milano.In the same year he started working on various architecture,interior and industrial d

esign projects in Sottsass Associati .
Between 1993 and 1997 he collaborated with Michele De Lucchi studio as project leader, co-ordinating many interior design projects (Olivetti new showroom in Ivrea, the management and co-ordination of shareholder

meetings and with Philips teamwork regarding technology evolution).
In 1998 Paolo De Lucchi opened "Studio De Lucchi" in Padova, restoring an industrial shed for this purpose. New activities started up, designing the new image of corners,

shops and showrooms for Dismero (Dusseldolf, Frankfurt and New York) as well as Club and Trudy new corners for Italian and foreigner shops.
The studio nowadays faces and developes architecture restorations, retaining also business dealing with Miche

le De Lucchi studio in Milan (es Historical Enel Archives restoration in Mestre).
At the same time industrial design - lighting and furniture design (kitchens, office furniture and complements)- plays an important role in the studio activities.

Moreover , arch. Paolo De Lucchi gives lectures on industrial design (in particular about lighting design) at Università del Progetto, in Reggio Emilia.