Mark Verhaagen
Mark Verhaagen
NiederlandeT: +31(0) 648 267 157
Produkte von Mark Verhaagen
Mark Verhaagen has been creating tree houses and sand castles, origami flower bouquets, food sculptures, Lego space ships, and electronic blip-bleep music on his Atari computer… which has been replaced by a shiny Apple machine some time ago. After high sc
hool Mark decided to focus on drawing, so he went to art school to learn the proper job of illustration. Since his graduation in 2003, Mark has been freelancing in the field of illustration and animation. When not working on commissions, he likes to keep
in shape by making personal work. Mark loves his friends and family, good food, traveling, his Gocco and his Holga, and practicing the Moonwalk in front of the mirror.