
Johannes Norlander

Johannes Norlander Arkitektur AB

Brogatan 2
413 01 Gothenburg

T: +46(0)70 7560148

Produkte von Johannes Norlander

Johannes Norlander was born in Gothenburg, Sweden 1974. Educated in Achitecture at Stockholm Royal Institute of Technology during 1996-99. Konstfack, Universitity college of arts, crafts and design, Stockholm 1996. Architecture at Chalmers University og Technology, Gothenburg during 1993-95. Done projects and exhibitions for Designers Block, Tokyo 2001. Urban Addition for Wallpaper with furniture for B & B Italia, Milan 2001. Monclear Store in St Moritz, Suiss 2001. Milan Furniture Fair with thle lamp Waves for Box Design 1999. Akvarium summerbar, Stockholm 1997. Modern H97, exhibition area at Stockholm Fashion Fair 1997. Started Johannes Norlander Architecture and Form studio 1996. In progress with collaboration with Di Oscar Leo Kaufmann, Austria