
Johan Larsvall


Mälarvarvsbacken 14
SE-117 33 Stockholm

T: +46 (0) 8 – 84 04 00

Produkte von Johan Larsvall
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For us, design is all about collaboration. We work together with our clients to establish the project scope, identify problems and develop solutions that are ready for implementation. We work with a user centered design process that helps us combine the needs of the user and our client to provide the best possible result.

Flexibility is key to providing the best outcomes for our clients. Therefore, our core team often work with a wide network of experts in different areas. This structure permits us to always build a highly competent and efficient team with the best people for the job. As a common touch point, the members of our core team are all Industrial Designers or carriers of multiple competences, as experts in lighting, engineering, prototyping, interior design etc.

If possible our design process include full-scale models to be able to evaluate and test different solutions.