

Studio Amebe


T: +39 347 49 84 104

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Studio AMeBE is an Italian Independent Design studio, founded in 2008 by Alessandra Mantovani and Eleonora Barbareschi. The studio deals with Design, alternating the realization of more conventional projects, consultancies and education, with the experimentation of new expressions that take form through different mediums. Combining qualities such as familiarity with Italian style and design, curiosity, freedom and sensibility of thought and techniques, the studio is able to deliver custom-fit innovative solutions for any design need.Above solving existing problems through products, systems or experiences (physical or virtual), Studio AMeBE’s intent is to “birth” ideas capable of generating question while constantly seeking to create projects that gladden humans’ lives.

The award winning design studio, operates on a wide range of projects, combining local resources as a response to international opportunities. The studio, based in Italy, continually breathes the country’s “diversity”, its stimulating complexity, the richness of its variety and inestimable creative potential, becoming carrier of that Italian style that makes the difference in terms of innovation, originality and quality.

The name AMeBE, in addition to being the acronym of the founders initials (A+M & B+E) , the name is inspired by the ameba, the fascinating organism characterized by its continuous evolutions. The term Ameba, or rather Amoeba, is derived from Ancient Greek and means “change, transformation.