
lilliput Pendelleuchte

Kategorien: Innenleuchten › Hallenreflektorleuchten

lilliput is the miniaturized evolution of the technical suspended lamp, a meaningful goal from the aesthetic and technical-functional side. The use of the product is simple and easy because all the electric accessories (such as the 230/12V transformer and

the electronic ballast) are built into the fixture.
The performances are outstanding with long life guaranteed by a duct ventilation, carefully studied to lower the thermal operation level. The energy-luminous balance is exemplary as the chromatic yi

eld: from a value Ra=100 for the halogen lamps to a value Ra=82/85 for the compact fluorescent ones.

The applications can range from the simple domestic field to the most professional environments, as commercial spaces (shops, restaurants, pubs,

supermarkets, etc.) and offices.

Alle lilliput Produkte

Castaldi Lighting, Italien