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Vorgestellt: Salone del Mobile 2024, Mailand | Entwurfsjahr: 2024 | Design: Stefan Borselius

In a world constantly flooded with new digital and human-abandoned solutions, Veva became an opportunity for us to return to the simple, the obvious - what the eye sees and understands - in an instant. In the near future the function of cranking may no longer be a matter of course. For us, a crank conveys that something can be turned, go up and down, in or out. We automatically grab the knob and start cranking to see what happens. We can almost see our new table, Veva, as an educational product, to preserve a simple and, for us, obvious manual intervention. We are functionalists after all. But, in the small, custom-made-by-us crankcase, major, advanced technology can be found. A technique that normally requires completely different volumes to work. Come on - Here’s VEVA!

Veva 003SVAO ABLE VEVA 9645Veva 005Veva 007Veva 010SVAO ABLE VEVA 9483Veva 009DVAQ VEVA D29243 u
Veva 001 1DVAQ VEVA D29205SVAO ABLE VEVA OM 9683SVAO VEVA 9706Veva 008Veva 006Veva 004DVAQ VEVA D28808


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