Artemide: DREISPITZ von Herzog & De Meuron
It is a flexible system that integrates light and services, leaving everyone the freedom to design their own environmental quality. Suspended cylinders xed to the ceiling or to the wall, guide a flexible LED light line, allowing to freely model it following soft and unexpected geometries. The light connects the different elements of the system, evoking a theme of connections and relationships: "it is a light that celebrates connections, the intersection of countries, cultures and creativity as a unique source of energy."
The cylindrical bodies can have two sizes, they can have the sole function of supporting the line of light or become the base for spotlights, intelligences and devices such as speakers and sensors. Each volume is hollowed out with several sinuous holes, that with their organic movement recall of the paths created by water. They are functional elements of the interlocking of the luminous line, a mechanical intelligence that becomes an aesthetic feature. The multiplicity of cuts leaves free to de ne different positions to shape the di using light element. Scenographic in designing its shape through the light, it develops functional and comfortable lighting. Interaction is central to the project. This light solution is a kit of pieces that can be assembled and manipulated according to individual needs. "For me, as for Artemide, man is the essence of every space. The main protagonist of the design plot. We want users to become the 'authors' of the space they inhabit. This system wants to encourage interaction with space and with the human beings that occupy it.”Pallavi Dean
It has total flexibility: starting from the freedom in the number and positioning of the cylinders the extension of the composition can grow, so to follow the needs of the spaces. The cylinders can also become junction elements for several lines of light, which can be replicated on a 5-meter module basis. The diffused light that the LED strip generates can be combined with more punctual emissions inserted into the cylinders, in order to draw light landscapes that follow functional needs. Interweave generates not only a bright but also a sound experience, thanks to the speakers integration. The interaction is then enhanced by the possibility of controlling the single element of the system with the intuitive Artemide App, also through the Alexa voice control. Not only active management but also interaction controlled by motion sensors that make Interweave react to the presence in a programmed way . A lexicon of elements to compose an engaging and surprising experience, a new way of interacting with light in space, a scenographic and exciting presence, resulting from a project of functions that interact with the activities that take place within the environment.
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