Das Entwerfen von Licht
Discovery is the latest project by Ernesto Gismondi. It is not a closed project but rather a vision, a concept of how light can be interpreted through technological research, optoelectronic expertise, design culture and production know-how. Carlotta de Bevilacqua delves even deeper into the principle, exploring new possibilities to create a dynamic dialogue between light, space and our perception.
An unexpected touch emerges within this optical algorithm, explored in various forms and sizes. A diagonal cut, reminiscent of Fontana’s canvases, disrupts the surface by splitting it in half. This intervention makes it possible to handle light in two ways. It breaks the uniformity of Discovery’s surface by dividing it into two different light emissions, each perfectly calibrated in its light characteristics.
The cut disrupts the sequence of micro-incisions that extract light, creating a new balance between two types of light, whether similar or contrasting. The space that opens up between the two parts sparks a dialogue, allowing the emissions from the frame’s profile to freely separate and vary independently.
This further pushes the possibility of being the authors of one’s own light in space. It makes it possible to balance a clear perception through white light with a colourful ambiance, adjusting various colour temperatures, playing with colour choices to align with activity rhythms, encouraging well-being and interacting with the environment through transparency.
Discovery Dialogue is a project originating from a scientific and technological platform, made of matter and controlled wavelengths where beauty is added through subtract. It starts with science, moving from measurements to create a perception and a relationship with space infused with symbolic meaning.
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