Kaschkasch (French “cache-cache” for “hide-and-seek”) is the quiet superstar amongst Germany’s newcomers. The list of manufacturers that Florian Kallus and Sebastian Schneider have already worked with is rather impressive: Asco, Bolia, Esaila, Dreizehngrad, Menu, Normann Copenhagen, Schönbuch, and Zeitraum. The two Cologne-based designers focus on creating smart furniture, such as a pull-out table that can be “rolled” up to the wall. Or take “Bubka” (for Magazin) – the hat stand simply leans against the wall. Or luminaires that can also be used to deposit keys. Their trademark is brightly varnished wood whose grain shimmers lightly through the coating.

Where would you like to live?
We would like to live in the land of plenty. But Cologne is very close to this.
Your favorite character in the history of design?
Achille Castiglioni. The intelligence in his designs is always surprising.
Which qualities do you admire in a designer?
Being a good observer.
What do you enjoy doing most?
Florian: I adore it cooking with plenty of time.
Sebastian: Getting lost in the bath tub.
Your main personality trait?
Making and staying relaxed.
Your biggest mistake?
Not to know, what is our biggest mistake.
Your idea of happiness?
To trashy.
What do you find really annoying?
Sometimes the processes anno us that takes to bring products on the market.
Your favorite material?
Wood. It is warm, always different and offers different ways to work with it.
Your favorite flower?
Frost pattern.
What kind of music do you listen to when you work?
Most of the time we don’t listen to music because we have to concentrate us. In the case we listen music, there are wild combinations, from Nils Frahm, James Hersey to Rap.
Which design achievement do you most detest?
In this case they don’t mean to us “design achievements”.
Which talent would you like to have?
Florian: Being unbreakable.
Sebastian: Being able to fly.
Can you describe your present state of mind?
Florian: I turned back from holidays, so relaxed.
Sebastian: I moved to another place, so total chaos.
Your motto?
We try to take our work more important as ourselves. And trying to discuss and think the projects as long as it takes to get the nucleus that we deserve.